The impact of work placements in the life of a business school student

This article describes Thomas's experience of teleworking during a digital marketing internship at Simbound in Romania. It discusses the benefits, such as flexibility and improved productivity, as well as the challenges, such as isolation and motivation. The author reflects on the transition from theory to practice, focusing on adaptability and problem-solving skills. The internship provided an insight into various aspects of digital marketing, guiding future career choices. Overall, it underlines the importance of internships for students' personal and professional development in a competitive job market.

Author Profile

Thomas Plouviez

Publish date:

  • Internships
  • Students
  • Digital Marketing

My name is Thomas, I'm 20 and I'm a business student. As part of my course, I've had to do several placements of varying lengths with different companies. After being a sales assistant, I'm currently doing a placement with a Romanian e-learning company, which works with business schools similar to mine and who’s name’s Simbound and that is directly related to Marketingsquads. These 2 placements have given me an enormous amount, and I'm going to explain why, in my opinion, it's essential for all students to take part in real-life business experience.

For many students, finding an internship can be a real challenge, especially in competitive fields such as digital marketing. The search for the right opportunity, the application process and the increased competition can make it a daunting task. However, internships are crucial for gaining practical experience and standing out in the job market. As a student at a French business school, I was lucky enough to do my internship in digital marketing in Romania, working for   Simbound, an innovative start-up that collaborates with other schools. As this placement took place abroad, I had the opportunity to move to Romania for 4 months, which enabled me to discover new ways of working, as well as better integrating into the company.

Image of hand with pen over a paper

I also had the opportunity to work from home, which was a completely new experience for me: it offered me some unique advantages as well as some challenges, but the benefits far outweighed the obstacles. One of the primary benefits of teleworking is the flexibility it offers. Working remotely has enabled me to organise my schedule more efficiently. I've been able to balance my professional tasks with my studies and other personal commitments without having to travel to the office every day. This has saved me time and improved my productivity. Teleworking requires good time management and strong self-discipline. I've learnt to structure my days, prioritise my tasks and meet deadlines without constant supervision. This experience has helped me to become more autonomous and to develop essential skills for my future career.

Teleworking also presents challenges, particularly when it comes to managing remote working. Working away from the office can lead to feelings of isolation. To overcome this, our start-up set up weekly video-conference meetings, which enabled me to stay connected with other members of the company, as well as a regular chat link, which helped me maintain a good level of communication. These tools helped me to stay organised and ensure a seamless workflow with my colleagues and supervisors. Staying motivated and engaged can be a challenge when teleworking. To overcome this, I have established a daily routine and clear objectives. Participating in challenging projects and receiving regular feedback from my mentor also helped me to stay focused and motivated.


As a digital marketing intern, this teleworking experience with Simbound in Romania was my first direct immersion in the field. Before that, all my knowledge was theoretical, acquired through my business school courses. This transition to the practical application of these concepts was both exciting and intimidating. Discovering the real world of digital marketing confronted me with concrete challenges and situations that I had never faced in the classroom. I had to learn how to put the strategies I'd learned in class into practice and adapt them to the specific needs of our start-up. This required me to be creative, flexible and problem-solving in order to find solutions adapted to each situation. But also the fact that not everything goes according to plan, and that some decisions may not work out properly, which is a situation I've never had to face before. I've also had the opportunity to share my ideas, contribute to projects and collaborate with colleagues with complementary skills. This experience has enabled me to develop my ability to work effectively as part of a team and to draw on everyone's strengths to achieve our common goals.

dashboard of digital marketing analytics

What's more, this first experience of digital marketing gave me a real insight into the different aspects of the industry, from content strategies to social media management and data analysis. I've been able to explore different facets of digital marketing and discover the ones that interest me most, which will help me direct my future career choices in this field.




A telecommuting internship in digital marketing is much more than just a career opportunity for business school students. It's a gateway to a world of practical learning, personal development and professional growth. Through my experience in Romania working for Simbound, that collaborates with French business schools, I was able to see first-hand the many benefits that internships can offer. This internship convinced me of the importance of internships for students. As well as acquiring practical skills, internships offer a unique opportunity to explore different professional fields, discover your interests and passions, and forge a solid professional network. They are a springboard to employment, enabling students to stand out in an increasingly competitive job market.

In conclusion, a telecommuting digital marketing internship is an enriching and formative experience for business school students. Not only does it offer practical advantages such as flexibility and access to international opportunities, but it is also a crucial step in the personal and professional development of future players in the business world.